周末看美剧的时候学了个新词, 叫 Chinese Wall, 其实就是firwall,也就是防火墙的意思,但是这种叫法我还是第一次知道.
Chinese Wall 不仅仅是IT上用的防火墙, 还用于媒体,投行以及司法, 相当于回避制度.
另外,维基百科上有多个Chinese Wall的条目, 其中比较著名的是 Great Wall of China (长城) 和 Chinese city wall (城墙).
尽管中国在建墙方面继往开来, 光宗耀祖, 我还是希望这个世界 no more wars, no more walls. no more wars, no more walls.
I didn't know any views or philosophy of George Soros before. He had been thought as an killer and legend in financial market.
Yesterday, I read his address The Way Forward, (of course, what I read was the chinese version). I surprised found that his way of thinking sounded like a hacker:
- Firstly, find the fault/disharmony of a system from its basic concept and implementation,
- Secondly, enlarge the fault by some attack
- Then, get control right of the system
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